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try catch finally or throw catch

commentsJavascript sourceExecution result in your current browser
display run-time error
  try {
     var a=b+1;
  } catch (e) {
     document.write("<font color=red>"+e.message+"</font>");
  } finally {
     document.write("<p/> show me always");

variables scope, a variable defined inside a try block can be accessed in a following try block
  try {
     var val=120;
  } catch (e) {
     document.write("<font color=red>"+e.message+"</font>");
  } finally {
     document.write("<p/> was trying to define variable val");
  try {
     document.write("<p/> in second try block, val="+val);
   } finally {
     document.write("<p/> was trying to show variable val");

throw a user defined error
  function expectPositive(a) {
    if (a<0) {
      var error=new Object();
       error["message"]="argument has to be positive";
      throw error;
    return a;
  try {
    var b=expectPositive(-2);
  } catch (e) {